Transaction Executor Functional Specification
Evgeniy Shishkin <>
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. EverScale Platform Architecture
- 3. Transaction Executor Module
- 3.1. Remark
- 3.2. Inputs and Outputs
- 3.3. Multichain Architecture
- 3.4. Multicurrency payments
- 3.5. Hashing Algorithm
- 3.6. Accounts
- 3.7. Messages
- 3.8. Parameters
- 3.9. Transaction
- 3.10. Transaction Executor
- 3.10.1. Transaction Executor Types
- 3.10.2. Main Entry Point
- 3.10.3. BlockchainConfig parameters
- 3.10.4. Code Execution Fee
- 3.10.5. Message Passing Fee
- 3.10.6. Data Storage Fee
- 3.10.7. Special Smart-Contracts
- 3.10.8. GlobalCapabilities Options
- 3.10.9. RawConfig options
- 3.10.10. Error Code Enumeration
- 3.10.11. Account State Update
- 3.10.12. Transaction Description Object
- 3.11. Actions
- 4. Message Processing Algorithm
- 5. Functional Properties
1 Introduction
Transaction Executor is a crucial part of EverScale blockchain node. It applies incoming messages to accounts, sealing the end result of this operation into a block in the form of a transaction object.
The Transaction Executor algorithms determine several critical aspects of smart-contracts behavior, such as:
- How a balance of an account is affected after the message gets processed
- What outbound messages will be generated as a result
- Should the account be frozen or deleted?
- What fees should be charged from the accounts balance
To be able to rigorously reason about a smart-contract behavior, it is important to construct the accurate model of this module, explain the main concepts, define its properties. In other words, make the groundwork for you, the reader, to foster the integration of this logic into the reasoning framework of your choice.
In the current work, we made the best-effort attempt to write such specification.
1.1 Document Structure
The document consists of two logical parts, intermixed with each other: the explanation part and the specification part.
The explanation part is done by providing extensive comments for data structures used through-out the Transaction Executor. The data structures are presented as Rust code snippets, taken from the original Node code. Sometimes, we intentionally omit details that are not relevant to the Transaction Executor, requiring much wider context to be explained.
The specification part is presented in two flavors. When the precision is required, we describe the behavior by providing the pseudo-code implementing some algorithm. For more general properties, we formulate them in a form of semi-formal statements about the system behavior.
By comparison to the program implementation, the specification pseudo-code overapproximates the implementation by throwing away non-relevant parts of the logic, for example: sophisticated error handling, non-interesting parts of the state being removed, introducing reasonable assumptions that greatly simplifies the logic, etc.
In other words, the pseudo-code shows how the system behaves for its significant parts, putting away everything else.
1.2 Pseudo-code Semantics
A few words about the pseudo-code language we use to define the behavior of the Transaction Executor parts.
The language used is Python-like, with nearly intuitive semantics.
We would like to highlight the the following:
- For basic values like Ints and Bools, the assignment operator copies the value.
- For complex datatypes (objects), the assignment operator copies a reference to the object instead of creating a new instance.
- The call \(obj.clone()\) creates a deep copy of the object \(obj\)
- The input arguments are passed by reference, so, mutating them within the function would mutate them for the caller also.
Default values for structure fields are:
- 0 for Ints
- False for Bools
- None for Option
- For Enum types, the default value is the first item in the enumeration
Sometimes, the default value is irrelevant and not specified explicitly.
- In few places, we use idiomatic Python values swap: \[a, b = b, a\] This construct exchanges the values of \(a\) and \(b\).
- The object method syntax is used in few places, for example: \[obj.method(p1,p2,...) = method(obj,p1,p2,...)\]
- Types and namespaces begin with uppercase letter, for example: TransactionExecutor.TrExecutorError() denotes the object TrExecutorError residing in the namespace TransactionExecutor
We use is operator to do type test. For example, to test that message is internal, we use the following construct:
if in_msg.header is IntMsgInfo: return ExecuteInternalMessage(in_msg, ...)
- We omit details of some global objects, and just assume they exist. For example, the virtual machine is created using some abstract TVM object. The same goes for system error enumerations. It is done this way not to overload the pseudo-code with easily recoverable details.
1.3 Live Specification
We decided to publish the specification online. This should provide us the opportunity to update the document on the regular basis, if some nuances or errors get discovered.
We encourage the community members to submit pull requests or issues using the following repository:
2 EverScale Platform Architecture
The main actors of the EverScale blockchain are smart-contracts. Smart-contracts are programs that operate user valuable assets on their behalf. Valuable assets are usually cryptocurrency tokens or some digital goods, like NFTs.
Smart-contract execution is triggered by a message sent from some other party. If the message was delivered from the outside world (i.e. from the user program), it is said to be external. Otherwise, the message is considered internal.
Smart-contracts may also generate log records called events. Those records are used as information signals for an external observers. They foster communication between smart-contracts and off-chain programs.
The platform overall architecture is depicted on Fig. 1
Figure 1: EverScale blockchain high-level architecture
2.1 Platform Implementation
EverScale blockchain is a database operated by a peer-to-peer network of computing nodes. The database store users code and data in a form of programmable units called smart-contracts. Smart-contacts may communicate with other contracts and outside world by sending messages.
The computing node is called blockchain node in our context.
Among other things, blockchain nodes are responsible for storing the smart-contract state, delivering messages from users and smart-contracts, executing the smart-contacts code when needed.
Transaction Executor module is a part of the blockchain node responsible for proper execution of a smart-contract code upon receiving a message addressed to that smart-contract. The result of this execution is an updated smart-contract state and the transaction record that gets sealed into the block candidate.
We now go into details on the internals of this module.
3 Transaction Executor Module
In this section, we go into the technical details of Transaction Executor module. The source code of the module is available here.
3.1 Remark
In our opinion, the name of this module was chosen quite unfortunate. In its current form, it feels like the object being executed is a transaction. This is not true. Transaction is an outcome of executing a message on a smart-contract state using the Transaction Executor logic. Hence, it is the message that is being executed, not the transaction. Nevertheless, we stick with the original name not to confuse developers too much.
3.2 Inputs and Outputs
The principal architecture of the module is depicted on Fig. 2
Figure 2: Transaction Executor
We now describe each input/output entity in detail, together with the logic of the computation.
3.3 Multichain Architecture
EverScale has a native support for multiple blockchains running in parallel.
Each blockchain might be established by introducing a separate chain called workchain. Each workchain has a unique integer identifier in a range -127 … 127, the values -1 and 0 are already taken. Smart-contracts from different workchains may interact with each other by message passing.
At the moment, the system implements only two workchains - Masterchain
(id -1) and Workchain (id 0).
Currently, the creation of new workchains is not supported |
3.4 Multicurrency payments
The native coin of EverScale blockchain is called Ever. However, EverScale has an ability to work with other types of coins. While system payments like gas and storage fees are made only in Evers, the other value transfers may contain coins of other currencies. This contrasts with most of other blockchains where there is only a single native cryptocurrency, and other currencies may be made only using artificial token smart-contracts.
Currently, this feature is not used widely.
In this document, we limit our specification effort only for the case of a single currency - Evers. This choice significantly simplifies the business logic of the execution handlers. |
3.5 Hashing Algorithm
Transaction Executor uses hashing in several places to compactly store data structures fingerprints. It is done in two steps. First, the data structure gets converted into a tree-like form. Then, a special hashing algorithm is applied to that tree. The basic hash function used is SHA256 from Sha2 Rust package.
The exact hashing algorithm, as well as tree-like representation is not interesting for our purposes, so we do not consider it here. For details, check this.
3.6 Accounts
Within a single workchain, the most basic information storage entity is an account. There, an account is uniquely determined by its account identifier. Within the whole blockchain - the collection of workchains - the account is uniquely determined by its address: it is when we put together the workchain identifier and its account identifier. See Fig. 3.
The account record stores account address, account balance and maybe a smart-contract state. The latter might be missing, and yet the account is able to receive basic messages.
Figure 3: Simplified representation of an EverScale Account.
Account could be created either by a user, or by a smart-contract. It is being done by sending a message carrying special payload to an address of the account.
In a process of its operation, an account might become frozen or deleted. This is usually a result of account having a debt, or executing a special instruction. We depict the life-cycle of an account on Fig. 4.
Figure 4: Account Lifecycle
In the beginning, the account remains in an Nonexistent state - it stores no funds and no data. Only after you send some value to the account, it switches to the Uninit state. In that state it is not yet very useful: it may only receive coins from the incoming messages.
The account might be initialized with a message carrying StateInit data blob containing smart-contract code and data. In this case, with enough coins on the balance, the account becomes initialized with this smart-contract, and it is then switched into Active state.
Due to storage fees, the account balance might become negative leading to Frozen state and even being deleted afterwards. The other option for deletion is if the smart-contract itself execute a special action. After the deletion, the account state is switched back to Nonexistent state.
3.6.1 Account Structure Definition
The account structure is defined as follows:
struct AccountStuff { addr: MsgAddressInt, storage_stat: StorageInfo, storage: AccountStorage, } type Account = Option<AccountStuff>
Field | Description |
addr | Account address |
storage_stat | Account storage use statistics |
storage | Account smart-contract storage |
3.6.2 Account Address
The location of an account in EverScale blockchain is represented as a two-value structure: the workchain number and the account identifier. This structure is called an account address. Hereinafter, we just call it address for greater convenience.
Addresses are defined as follows:
pub enum MsgAddressInt { AddrStd(MsgAddrStd), AddrVar(MsgAddrVar), } pub struct MsgAddrStd { pub anycast: Option<AnycastInfo>, pub workchain_id: i8, pub address: AccountId, } pub type AccountId = SliceData;
The address may be encoded by one of the two structures: MsgAddrStd
or MsgAddrVar. The latter is used to locate accounts in
huge blockchains, when the standard 8-bit workchain_id is not enough,
and not supported currently.
- Type SliceData denotes a binary blob encoded in a tree data structure.
- Type i8 is an 8-bit signed integer.
Field | Description |
anycast | Multi-shard contracts routing information |
workchain_id | Workchain identifier |
address | Account identifier within the workchain |
Anycast-addresses are planned to be removed shortly. |
3.6.3 Account Storage
Any account in the EverScale blockchain is being charged for occupying space, on a regular basis. The fee depends on the size of data being stored, the current prices and when the last charge took place. In some circumstances, an account may also have a debt, called due payment. Most of this information is stored in the StorageInfo structure.
pub struct StorageInfo { used: StorageUsed, last_paid: u32, due_payment: Option<Grams>, } pub struct StorageUsed { cells: VarUInteger7, bits: VarUInteger7, public_cells: VarUInteger7, }
Field | Description |
used | Blockchain storage use statistics |
last_paid | Time of the latest payment, in Unix Epoch |
due_payment | Debt of the account |
- Type Grams denotes a set of natural numbers \(\{0, ..., 2^{256}\}\), equipped with \(\oplus\) and \(\ominus\) operators, such that: \[a \oplus b = (a + b) \,\, \boldsymbol{mod} \,\, 2^{256}\] \[a \ominus b = \boldsymbol{max}(a - b, 0)\] Here, \(+\) and \(-\) operators are standard addition and subtraction operators in a set of integers \(\mathbb{Z}\)
- Amount of storage used by the account is encoded with StorageUsed struct.
Fields | Description |
cells | Number of cells occupied by the account |
bits | Number of bits occupied by the account |
public_cells | Field is not used |
To store the data in a tree-like form, it is encoded as a series of interlinked cells. This data structure also consume some space and it is accounted in the cells field. The bits field refer to data size being encoded in the cells.
3.6.4 Account Data
The full account record is represented by several nested data structures:
- Account storage
- Account state
- Smart-contract storage called StateInit Account Storage structure
The most outer record is the account storage. It contains the account balance and the account state. The account state may contain the smart-contract code and data, described by the structure called StateInit.
pub struct AccountStorage { last_trans_lt: u64, balance: CurrencyCollection, state: AccountState, }
Field | Description |
last_trans_lt | Last transaction logical time |
balance | Amount of cryptocurrency tokens available for the account |
state | Current account state | Account State
The account state defines the mode of operation for the account, during the message being executed for that account. The Transaction Executor logic vary greatly depending of what is the current account state is.
The account state may have additional data fields. See the enumeration below.
enum AccountState { AccountUninit, AccountActive{init_code_hash: Option<UInt256>, state_init: StateInit}, AccountFrozen{init_code_hash: Option<UInt256>, state_init_hash: UInt256}, }
The life cycle of an account is depicted on Fig. 4.
Let us clarify the fields of enumeration items.
For the AccountActive, the value state_init defines the byte-code and data of the associated smart-contract. The field init_code_hash defines the hash of the field state_init.code that was used at the moment of the account initialization, or at the moment of the account freeze.
In EverScale, it is possible to change the smart-contract's code on the fly using the SetCode action. However, the value init_code_hash stays unaffected.
The same holds for AccountFrozen. The value of state_init_hash defines the hash of the smart-contract state_init.code at the moment of a freeze. Smart-Contract Storage (StateInit)
The byte-code and data of a contract are stored within a structure called StateInit. Its name may seem quite confusing. It could have been named just State. The Init part comes from the fact that this structure is also used for the initialization of an account when it is uninitialized.
pub struct StateInit { pub split_depth: Option<Number5>, pub special: Option<TickTock>, pub code: Option<Cell>, pub data: Option<Cell>, pub library: StateInitLib, }
- split_depth field was initially devoted to large multi-shard smart-contracts, but currently it is not used.
- special fields signals the fact that the smart-contract is related to the blockchain system functioning. This is related to very small amount or contracts residing in the Masterchain, i.e. Elector, Config, Giver, etc. There is a special logic of executing messages destined to those contracts.
- code and data fields encodes the current byte-code and data of a contract. Here, data denote values of contract's variables.
- library used to encode the code libraries the contract may refer to from its code. This mechanism is deprecated.
3.7 Messages
In EverScale, smart-contracts communicate between each other and with non-blockchain applications by means of an asynchronous message passing.
Technically, a message is a data structure encoding one of the following:
- desired function call at a destination smart-contract, optionally attaching some coins.
- event log record to signal external observers about some significant state being reached
We distinguish 3 types 1 of messages:
- External - messages sent by non-blockchain applications
- Internal - messages sent by smart-contracts between each other
- Event - a log record signaling some special state for external observers
pub struct Message { header: CommonMsgInfo, init: Option<StateInit>, body: Option<SliceData>, body_to_ref: Option<bool>, init_to_ref: Option<bool>, }
The last two fields body_to_ref and init_to_ref are used only for serialization purpose, hence not considered in this document.
3.7.1 Message Header
Any message has a message header: a data-structure defining, among other things, the message type and source and destination addresses.
The message header defines its type. It is described by the following enumeration:
pub enum CommonMsgInfo{ IntMsgInfo(InternalMessageHeader), ExtInMsgInfo(ExternalInboundMessageHeader), ExtOutMsgInfo(ExtOutMessageHeader) }
3.7.2 Internal Message
Within EverScale blockchain, smart-contracts communicate with each other by exchanging messages. Messages sent by smart-contracts are called internal. They are opposed to external messages that are sent by off-chain applications to smart-contracts.
The message header of an internal message is defined as follows:
pub struct InternalMessageHeader { pub ihr_disabled: bool, pub bounce: bool, pub bounced: bool, pub src: MsgAddressIntOrNone, pub dst: MsgAddressInt, pub value: CurrencyCollection, pub ihr_fee: Grams, pub fwd_fee: Grams, pub created_lt: u64, pub created_at: UnixTime32, }
Field | Description |
ihr_disabled | IHR routing protocol disabled. Always True. |
bounce | Should the answer message be generated in case of an error |
bounced | Is this message was auto-generated by error handling |
src | Message source address |
dst | Message destination address |
value | Amount of coins attached to the message |
ihr_fee | IHR fee amount. Always zero. |
fwd_fee | Message delivery fee amount |
created_lt | Message creation logic time |
created_at | Message creation time in Epoch |
Some clarifications:
- bounce flag regulates how the message processing error should be handled by Transaction Executor
- bounced flag is set when the message itself was auto-generated as a result of an error. If the message with bounced flag leads to an error itself, the next bounced message will not be generated.
- value is measured in Nano Evers (\(10^{-9}\))
- created_lt is a monotonically increasing counter. Thanks to this field, each new generated message is unique, even if the message payload is the same. The message creation logic time is also used to guarantee order of delivery. We do not dive deep into this question, because it is protocol-level details.
3.7.3 External Message
External messages are created outside of the blockchain and get sent through specially distinguished validator nodes called DApp Servers 2
External message header is defined as follows:
pub struct ExternalInboundMessageHeader { pub src: MsgAddressExt, pub dst: MsgAddressInt, pub import_fee: Grams, }
- Fields src and dst are source and destination addresses.
- Field import_fee should have been the value paid to the validator for processing an external message. But in the current node, this field is not used. Hence, the fee is not paid. We reported this issue to the developers.
- The source address for an external message is always set to AddrNone.
pub enum MsgAddressExt { AddrNone, AddrExtern(MsgAddrExt), }
The second variant AddrExtern is not supported currently.
3.7.4 Events
Event can be considered as a log record. It is used to signal external observers of reaching some significant state in a smart-contract.
Usually, observers are external non-blockchain applications that constantly monitor blockchain state 3. Other smart-contracts are not able to catch events.
pub struct ExtOutMessageHeader { pub src: MsgAddressIntOrNone, pub dst: MsgAddressExt, pub created_lt: u64, pub created_at: UnixTime32, }
pub enum MsgAddressIntOrNone { None, Some(MsgAddressInt) }
- Transaction Executor automatically assigns the source address src to be equal to the smart-contract address emitting the event.
- The destination address dst may contain any identifier. It is included for easier integration with off-chain applications, i.e. applications can monitor emitted events based on their destination address, and consume only those events destined to their custom identifier.
- Fields created_lt, created_at defines the logical creation time and epoch creation time.
3.8 Parameters
Besides incoming message and account, Transaction Executor has to have some external information regarding the current blockchain and non-blockchain state to support the TVM capabilities. For example, it has to know the current time to provide it for smart-contracts. It has to have some random seed to support the random number generator facility. All of this is passed using the ExecuteParams structure.
pub struct ExecuteParams { pub state_libs: HashmapE, pub block_unixtime: u32, pub block_lt: u64, pub last_tr_lt: Arc<AtomicU64>, pub seed_block: UInt256, pub debug: bool }
Field | Description |
state_libs | A set of references to external libraries. This mechanism is not supported currently. |
block_unixtime | Current time in Unix Epoch |
block_lt | Block logical time |
last_tr_lt | The last transaction logical time |
seed_block | Random number generator seed |
debug | Should the TVM output debug information during its execution |
3.9 Transaction
Transaction is an object that describes the successful execution of a message on the account. If a message execution results in an error, such execution does not lead to a transaction creation. After transaction is created, it gets sealed into the block. And after the block is negotiated with fellow validators, it find its way into the Masterchain. From that point, it stays there forever 4
Transaction is an output of the Transaction Executor, so we have to examine it more closely.
pub struct Transaction { pub account_addr: AccountId, pub lt: u64, pub prev_trans_hash: UInt256, pub prev_trans_lt: u64, pub now: u32, pub outmsg_cnt: i16, pub orig_status: AccountStatus, pub end_status: AccountStatus, pub in_msg: Option<ChildCell<Message>>, pub out_msgs: OutMessages, pub total_fees: CurrencyCollection, pub state_update: ChildCell<HashUpdate>, pub description: ChildCell<TransactionDescr>, }
Field | Description |
account_addr | Account identifier |
lt | Transaction creation logical time |
prev_trans_hash | Previous transaction hash value |
prev_trans_lt | Previous transaction logical time |
now | Current time in Unix Epoch |
outmsg_cnt | Number of generated outbound messages |
orig_status | Account state upon receiving the message |
end_status | Account state after executing the message |
in_msg | Processed message |
out_msgs | Set of generated outbound messages |
total_fees | Total fee amount for all the processing |
state_update | Hash footprint of the account state change |
description | Transaction Descriptor |
3.10 Transaction Executor
Transaction Executor module is responsible for applying the incoming message to the destination account, using the supplied parameters. In case of success, Transaction Executor outputs the newly created transaction and the updated account.
The main entry point is the function execute_with_libs_and_params() within module. Other entry points were either flagged as deprecated, or reduce to calling this function after some minor parameters mangling.
The message execution is being done in several phases.
A phase is a logical step during the message execution. It may finish successfully or with an error. In case of an error, the next phase may not be executed. Phases are done mostly in a fixed order, but there are some nuances.
Let us warn you that the phase is not just an implementation detail of the Transaction Executor internals that may be easily discarded. Message execution phases are a part of EverScale smart-contracts programming architecture. It is assumed that you have a good grasp on it, to be able to do proper troubleshooting in case something is not working as expected. Without this knowledge, it may be challenging to debug the problem.
This document aims to support programmers in their strive for this knowledge.
Figure 5: Transaction Executor Message Processing General Scheme
3.10.1 Transaction Executor Types
There are several type of messages in EverScale. Besides already mentioned ordinary messages, there are also a special type of messages that is a part of a wider protocol. For example, TickTock messages, SplitMerge messages, etc.
For each type of messages, there exists a separate Transaction Executor. In this work, we consider only the OrdinaryTransactionExecutor, that is defined in
3.10.2 Main Entry Point
fn execute_with_libs_and_params( &self, in_msg: Option<&Message>, account_root: &mut Cell, params: ExecuteParams, ) -> Result<Transaction>
Parameter | Description |
self | Reference to the object calling the function |
in_msg | Incoming message 3.7 |
account_root | Account record serialized in a form of Cells 3.6.1 |
params | Transaction Executor parameters 3.8 |
As a result, the function returns either Ok(Transaction) object or Err value. Please note that besides returning the Transaction, there is a side-effect of mutating the account_root object. This justifies our generalization that it returns two objects: the transaction and the updated account record.
3.10.3 BlockchainConfig parameters
Besides ExecuteParams, the Transaction Executor relies on BlockchainConfig parameters. They are passed implicitly, at the Transaction Executor creation time.
BlockchainConfig is a set of globally defined parameters regulating different nuances of blockchain work. For example, prices for smart-contract execution, storage and a set of system contract addresses. The latter is needed to let Transaction Executor apply special logic for them.
Those parameters are global to the network, and negotiated between all the validators in advance. They are stored in a special system smart-contract, in the Masterchain.
pub struct BlockchainConfig { gas_prices_mc: GasLimitsPrices, gas_prices_wc: GasLimitsPrices, fwd_prices_mc: MsgForwardPrices, fwd_prices_wc: MsgForwardPrices, storage_prices: AccStoragePrices, special_contracts: FundamentalSmcAddresses, capabilities: u64, global_version: u32, raw_config: ConfigParams, }
Field | Description |
gas_prices_mc | Fees for Masterchain smart-contract execution |
gas_prices_wc | Fees for Workchain smart-contract execution |
fwd_prices_mc | Fees for delivering messages in Masterchain |
fwd_prices_wc | Fees for delivering messages in Workchain |
storage_prices | Fees for information storage |
special_contracts | Set of system smart-contract addresses |
capabilities | Set of operation-mode flags |
global_version | Minimum blocks version number allowed to be included in the chain |
raw_config | Dictionary with blockchain settings |
3.10.4 Code Execution Fee
As in most of blockchain, in EverScale the execution of a smart-contract costs money. Usually, this fee is deduced from the coins attached to the message initiating the call, but there are nuances.
The fee amount to be deducted from the balance is calculated based on values found in gas_price_mc, gas_price_wc structures. They are defined as follows:
pub struct GasLimitsPrices { pub gas_price: u64, pub gas_limit: u64, pub special_gas_limit: u64, pub gas_credit: u64, pub block_gas_limit: u64, pub freeze_due_limit: u64, pub delete_due_limit: u64, pub flat_gas_limit: u64, pub flat_gas_price: u64, pub max_gas_threshold: u128, }
Field | Description |
gas_price | Price of 1 unit of gas, expressed in Nano Evers |
gas_limit | Maximum gas amount for execution of a single message for an ordinary account |
special_gas_limit | Maximum gas amount for execution of a single message for a system account |
gas_credit | Gas credited for an account to execute the external message |
block_gas_limit | Maximum gas amount of the whole block |
freeze_due_limit | Value of an account debt leading to account freeze |
delete_due_limit | Value of an account debt leading to account removal |
flat_gas_limit | |
flat_gas_price | |
max_gas_threshold |
3.10.5 Message Passing Fee
Validators do the work of message delivery. To compensate their efforts, account pays for the message passing. The message passing fee depends on BlockchainConfig parameters fwd_prices and the message size. The fwd_prices_mc and fwd_prices_wc have the following definition:
pub struct MsgForwardPrices { pub lump_price: u64, pub bit_price: u64, pub cell_price: u64, pub ihr_price_factor: u32, pub first_frac: u16, pub next_frac: u16, }
The fee amount is calculated using the expression:
\[msg\_fwd\_fees = lump\_price + bit\_price \times msg.bits + cell\_price \times msg.cells\]
Here, msg.bits - bit-length of the message body, msg.cells is a total amount of cells that this message consists of.
3.10.6 Data Storage Fee
In EverScale, account is charged a fee for storing the data. The fee amount is calculated using the formula:
\[fee = (cells * prices.cell\_price + bits * prices.bit\_price) * \Delta\]
\(\Delta\) - the time interval between now and the latest payment moment, measured in seconds. Here, we assume that storage prices stay constant during the \(\Delta\) interval. The storage fee gets charged on each message processing 4.4.
For greater flexibility, the storage prices may be changed depending on the current supply/demand situation. It is done by negotiating new blockchain config parameters \(prices.cell\_price\) and \(prices.bit\_price\) among validators. After validators accept it, new parameters are written in the Masterchain config smart-contract.
After the change, previous price parameters do no get lost. The whole history of storage price changes is stored in the config. It is done to provide precise calculation of the storage fee that take into account all the price changes during the interval of calculation. Data Storage Fee Calculation
Here we describe the storage fee calculation expression in its generality.
Lets assume we have the following list of prices equipped with a timestamp of a moment when the price change took place:
\[ T = \{ t_0, t_1, ..., t_N \} \] \[Pr = \langle (pr_0, t_0), (pr_1, t_1), ..., (pr_N, t_N) \rangle \]
Here, \(pr_0\) is reserved for the initial prices set in the genesis block of the blockchain, and \(t_0\) is a timestamp of those initial prices being set.
Let \(now\) denote the current timestamp, i.e. the moment of time when we want to calculate the storage fee, measured in Unix Epoch. Its value is always greater or equal than the most recent price change timestamp.
Let \(last\_paid\) denote the timestamp of the latest storage payment. If the payment didn't take place, \(last\_paid = 0\).
To simplify the calculation formula, let us introduce a new list \(Pr'\), such that:
\[Pr' = \langle (pr_k, t_k), ..., (pr_N, t_N) \rangle \] where \(t_k\) is the least timestamp among values \(t_1 ... t_N\) that is greater than \(last\_paid\). \[t_k = min \{ t_i | t_i \in T \land t_i > last\_paid \}\]
In other words, the values \(t_k, ..., t_N\) form a subset of \(T\) where each value is strictly greater than \(last\_paid\).
We also add two more elements from the left and the right: \[Pr'' = \langle (pr_k, last\_paid) \rangle \cdot Pr' \cdot \langle (pr_N, now) \rangle\] Here, dot operator denotes lists concatenation operation.
We use the following shortcuts: \(pr_i = fst(Pr''_i)\) - the first element of a two-element tuple, and \(t_i = snd(Pr''_i)\), the second element.
The total storage fee for the time interval is:
\[ total\_storage\_fee = \sum_{i=1..|Pr''|}{(cells * pr_{i}.cell\_price + bits * pr_{i}.bits\_price) * (t_i - t_{i-1})} \] Data Storage Fee Calculation Algorithm
For greater convenience, besides having the formula, we provide the pseudo-code for the algorithm calc_storage_fee, implemented in imperative fashion.
- config - current blockchain configuration, has type BlockchainConfig
- storage_info - the account storage info struct, has type StorageInfo.
- is_masterchain - is the account inhabits Masterchain or not, has type Bool
- now - current time, measured in Unix Epoch, has type UInt
- fee - the fee amount to be deducted from the account balance, has type UInt
- storage_info - updated account storage info, has type StorageInfo
def calc_storage_fee(config, storage_info, is_masterchain, now): cells = storage_info.used.cells bits = storage_info.used.bits last_paid = storage_info.last_paid prices = config.storage_prices # see AccStoragePrices assert len(prices) > 0 if now <= last_paid or last_paid == 0 or now <= prices[0].utime_since: return 0 fee = 0 # calculate the fee according to prices that were actual # during the specific period of time for i in len(prices): cur_price = prices[i] if i < len(prices) - 1: end = prices[i + 1].utime_since else: end = now_time if end >= last_paid: delta = end - max(cur_price.utime_since, last_paid) if is_masterchain: fee += (cells * cur_price.mc_cell_prices_ps + \ bits * cur_price.mc_bit_price_ps) * delta else: fee += (cells * cur_price.cell_price_ps + \ bits * cur_price.bit_price_ps) * delta storage_info.last_paid = end return (fee, storage_info)
3.10.7 Special Smart-Contracts
In EverScale blockchain, there is a set of smart-contracts that have a distinguished status in the system. For those contracts, validators are obligated to process their execution in a special priveledged manner. Such smart-contracts are called special or system. Accounts storing those contracts are called the same.
Special smart-contracts enjoy the following privilege:
- No fee gets deducted for the code execution
- No fee gets deducted for the storage use
- No fee gets deducted for message passing
- It has a special maximum gas limit, see GasLimitsPrices.special_gas_limit
- Allowed to process TickTock timer messages
Upon executing a message for one of those special contracts, the Transaction Executor has to apply all those conditions.
In this document, we mainly focus on ordinary accounts, leaving the special accounts processing details aside. |
3.10.8 GlobalCapabilities Options
There are several flags defining different aspects of the blockchain node operation mode. They are defined in GlobalCapabilities enumeration.
Parameter | Description |
CapCreateStatsEnabled | Allow update block statistics. Not related to Transaction Executor. |
CapBounceMsgBody | Include the first 256 bits of the original message in the bounce message body. |
CapReportVersion | Include the blockchain version info into the block. |
CapShortDequeue | Some special mode of managing outbound messages by the Validator. Not related to Transaction Executor |
CapFastStorageStat | Use alternative algorithm to update the structs AccountsStat. |
CapInitCodeHash | Use the field init_code_hash in the AccountState. |
CapOffHypercube | Turn off Hypercube routing algorithm for message delivery |
CapMycode | Provide the virtual machine with the code of a smart-contract being executed. |
CapMbppEnabled | Not used |
CapIhrEnabled | Not used |
CapSplitMergeTransactions | Not used |
3.10.9 RawConfig options
Besides already mentioned options, there are yet another set of options residing in the BlockchainConfig.raw_config. This field has the following structure:
pub struct ConfigParams { pub config_addr: UInt256, pub config_params: HashmapE // <u32, SliceData> }
- config_addr - is the configuration smart-contract account identifier (the workchain identifier equals -1)
- config_params - dictionary with parameters; dictionary keys refers to an option number. We will not go deep into those options, because they are not relevant to our work.
See ton-labs-block/src/ for further investigation.
3.10.10 Error Code Enumeration
When Transaction Executor encounters an error during message processing, it returns a special answer to the calling side. The answer contains an error code. Here we list possible error codes and their short description. In our further discussion, we rely on those mnemonic names.
Error Mnemonic Name | Description |
InvalidExtMessage | Incorrect format of an incoming external message |
TrExecutorError(e) | Wide range of errors during message processing |
TvmExceptionCode(e) | TVM produced exception e during byte-code execution |
NoAcceptError | The smart-contract did not accept external message |
NoFundsToImportMsg | Not enough funds to process external message |
ExtMsgComputeSkipped(r) | During the external message processing, the Compute phase was skipped with the reason r |
3.10.11 Account State Update
In the transaction object, there is a special field reflecting the change of the account state, the state_update field of type HashUpdate.
The type is defined as follows:
pub struct HashUpdate { pub old_hash: UInt256, pub new_hash: UInt256, }
Here, old_hash refers to a hash value taken from the initial account state, before message processing; the new_hash is a hash taken from the updated account state, after successful message processing.
3.10.12 Transaction Description Object
During the incoming message processing, Transaction Executor constructs the report about the processing. This report has a special name - Transaction Description, and defined by the following structure:
pub struct TransactionDescrOrdinary { pub credit_first: bool, pub storage_ph: Option<TrStoragePhase>, pub credit_ph: Option<TrCreditPhase>, pub compute_ph: TrComputePhase, pub action: Option<TrActionPhase>, pub aborted: bool, pub bounce: Option<TrBouncePhase>, pub destroyed: bool }
This description object may be used for fast checkups on the main system invariants, critical for its safety, during runtime.
Field | Description |
storage_ph | Storage phase descriptor |
credit_ph | Credit phase descriptor |
compute_ph | Compute phase descriptor |
action | Action phase descriptor |
bounce | Bounce phase descriptor |
credit_first | Credit phase was executed before Storage phase |
aborted | Is Action phase failed |
destroyed | Is account deleted after message execution |
We now describe each descriptor separately. Storage Phase Descriptor
pub struct TrStoragePhase { pub storage_fees_collected: Grams, pub storage_fees_due: Option<Grams>, pub status_change: AccStatusChange }
- storage_fees_collected denotes the amount of tokens deducted from the account balance to cover the storage fee.
- storage_fees_due denotes the debt value, if there is any. Otherwise, this value equals None.
- status_change denotes the possible account status change. It may have been the case that the status were frozen or deleted due to having a significant debt value. Possible values are:
pub enum AccStatusChange { Unchanged, Frozen, Deleted, } Credit Phase Descriptor
The Credit Phase descriptor is defined as follows:
pub struct TrCreditPhase { pub due_fees_collected: Option<Grams>, pub credit: CurrencyCollection, }
Field | Description |
due_fees_collected | Amount of coins deducted from the message balance to cover the debt of the account, if any existed at the beginning of the credit phase. If there were no debt, the value is None. |
credit | Message value after the fees were conducted from it. | Compute Phase Descriptor
Compute Phase descriptor is defined with the following enumeration:
pub enum TrComputePhase { Skipped(TrComputePhaseSkipped), Vm(TrComputePhaseVm) }
Choice 1. Skipped
If the Compute phase was not successfully performed, the descriptor value is Skipped in this case. It should have an argument with following type:
pub struct TrComputePhaseSkipped { pub reason: ComputeSkipReason }
reason has to be one of the following:
pub enum ComputeSkipReason { NoState, BadState, NoGas, }
Field | Description |
NoState | Caused by the following conditions: 1) The account did not exist by the time of message arrival, and the incoming message did not contain the StateInit part; 2) The account was not initialized and the incoming message did not contain the StateInit part. |
BadState | Caused by the following conditions: 1) The account was in AccStateUninit state, the message did contain the StateInit part, but an attempt to initialize the account with the given StateInit failed due to being inconsistent with the account; 2) The account was in AccStateFrozen state, the message contained the StateInit part, but an attempt to unfreeze the account with the given state init failed due to being inconsistent with the account. |
NoGas | Caused by the following conditions: 1) After Credit and Storage phases, the account balance had no coins: its balance equals zero; 2) Values gas_limit and gas_credit, calculated with the init_gas algorithm, both equals 0. |
Choice 2. Successful computation
Successful Compute phase result is defined by the following TrComputePhaseVm structure:
pub struct TrComputePhaseVm { pub success: bool, pub msg_state_used: bool, pub account_activated: bool, pub gas_fees: Grams, pub gas_used: VarUInteger7, pub gas_limit: VarUInteger7, pub gas_credit: Option<VarUInteger3>, pub mode: i8, pub exit_code: i32, pub exit_arg: Option<i32>, pub vm_steps: u32, pub vm_init_state_hash: UInt256, pub vm_final_state_hash: UInt256 }
Field | Description |
success | Compute phase completion status. See 4.5.1 |
gas_fees | Fees for the gas used by a smart-contract execution, see here |
gas_used | An exact amount of gas used by the VM during the execution |
gas_limit | A strict upper bound on the amount of gas allowed for this account 4.5.6 |
gas_credit | An amount of gas credited to be used for external messages before being accepted 4.5.6 |
vm_steps | Number of steps performed by the VM |
exit_code | Computation exit code, see 4.5.2 |
exit_arg | Computation exit argument, see 4.5.2 |
mode | Always equals 0 |
vm_init_state_hash | Not used |
vm_final_state_hash | Not used |
msg_stated_used | Not used |
account_activated | Not used | Action Phase Descriptor
Action Phase descriptor is defined as follows:
pub struct TrActionPhase { pub success: bool, pub valid: bool, pub no_funds: bool, pub status_change: AccStatusChange, pub total_fwd_fees: Option<Grams>, pub total_action_fees: Option<Grams>, pub result_code: i32, pub result_arg: Option<i32>, pub tot_actions: i16, pub spec_actions: i16, pub skipped_actions: i16, pub msgs_created: i16, pub action_list_hash: UInt256, pub tot_msg_size: StorageUsedShort, }
Field | Description |
success | Action phase completed successfully. The success condition is described here. |
valid | Action phase is valid. The validity condition is described here. |
result_code | Action phase failed with the result code, see In case of success, the value equals to 0 |
result_arg | In case of an error, the item number of an action in the action list that caused the error |
no_funds | True if the error was caused by a balance insufficiency |
status_change | Equals AccStatusChange::Deleted in case of the account being deleted after processing actions |
total_fwd_fees | Total fees for the SendMsg actions processing |
total_action_fees | Total fees for the whole action list processing |
tot_actions | Total number of actions in the action list at a beginning of the Action phase |
spec_actions | Number of special actions, i.e. Reserve, SetCode, SetLib |
msg_created | Number of successful SendMsg actions |
action_list_hash | Hash of action list calculated at a beginning of the Action phase |
tot_msg_size | Total size of all the generated messages |
skipped_actions | Not used | Action Result Codes
Result Code | Description |
RESULT_CODE_ACTIONLIST_INVALID | Message serialization error |
RESULT_CODE_TOO_MANY_ACTIONS | Contract generated more actions than allowed. Maximum actions count is 255 |
RESULT_CODE_UNKNOWN_OR_INVALID_ACTION | Binary serialization error, or invalid flags. See remarks. |
RESULT_CODE_INCORRECT_SRC_ADDRESS | Wide source address 3.6.2, or the source address does not equal to the account address |
RESULT_CODE_INCORRECT_DST_ADDRESS | Incorrect destination address, or destination workchain is not allowed to receive messages, or destination workchain does not exist |
RESULT_CODE_ANYCAST | Destination address of type Anycast. It is no longer supported and considered an error. |
RESULT_CODE_NOT_ENOUGH_GRAMS | Insufficient balance. See remarks. |
RESULT_CODE_NOT_ENOUGH_EXTRA | Extra-tokens balance is insufficient to execute to action |
RESULT_CODE_INVALID_BALANCE | Reserve action lead to an error, or outgoing message is too big to process |
RESULT_CODE_BAD_ACCOUNT_STATE | Actions SetCode or ChangeLib lead to an error |
RESULT_CODE_UNSUPPORTED | SendMsg action has incorrect flags set |
- Actions serialization error
- SendMsg action has invalid flags, that is:
- The mutually exclusive flags are set: SENDMSG_REMAINING_MSG_BALANCE and SENDMSG_ALL_BALANCE
- Message was sent with an unknown flag 3.11.2;
- The flag SENDMSG_DELETE_IF_EMPTY is set, but the flag SENDMSG_ALL_BALANCE isn't;
- Reserve action has invalid flags
- Unknown flag is set
- For SendMsg action, the flag SENDMSG_REMAINING_MSG_BALANCE is set, but SENDMSG_PAY_FEE_SEPARATELY isn't
- Message balance is insufficient to cover message delivery fees
- Account balance is insufficient to cover all message delivery fees Bounce Phase Transaction Descriptor
Bounce Phase descriptor is defined with the following enumeration:
pub enum TrBouncePhase { Negfunds, Nofunds(TrBouncePhaseNofunds), Ok(TrBouncePhaseOk), }
- Negfunds choice is not used.
- Nofunds(TrBouncePhaseNofunds) denotes the insufficiency of account balance, details are put into the parameter value
- Ok(TrBouncePhaseOk) denotes success, i.e. that the bounce message has been formed and put into the Msg queue. Details of the phase are put into the parameter value.
Choice 1. Nofunds
pub struct TrBouncePhaseNofunds { pub msg_size: StorageUsedShort, pub req_fwd_fees: Grams, }
- msg_size denotes the size of generated bounce message. This value is not used.
- req_fwd_fees denotes the fee for the message delivery.
Choice 2. Ok(TrBouncePhaseOk)
pub struct TrBouncePhaseOk { pub msg_size: StorageUsedShort, pub msg_fees: Grams, pub fwd_fees: Grams, }
- msg_size not used.
- fwd_fees is a full forwarding fee for the bounce message.
- msg_fees is a part of fwd_fees that goes to the validator processing the message.
3.11 Actions
After successfully executing a smart-contract code, the TVM virtual machine provides the executor with updated contract state and a list of actions to be further processed.
In our context, an action refers to an order for the Transaction Executor to perform a distinguished stateful act. It could be sending a message, changing the smart-contract's code or reserving coins on the balance.
3.11.1 Type of Actions
Here we provide a set of possible actions, with the description. We go deep on each of them further.
pub enum OutAction { None, // default value SendMsg { mode: u8, out_msg: Message, }, SetCode { new_code: Cell, }, ReserveCurrency { mode: u8, value: CurrencyCollection, }, ChangeLibrary { mode: u8, code: Option<Cell>, hash: Option<UInt256>, } }
Action | Description |
SendMsg | Send the message out_msg to some account using the provided mode |
ReserveCurrency | Manage the account's balance to guarantee its sufficiency |
SetCode | Change the contract byte-code with the given new_code |
ChangeLibrary | Update code library |
3.11.2 Action SendMsg
\(SendMsg(mode,out\_msg)\) action sends a message to an account. The message \(out\_msg\) contains the destination address as well as the payload to be delivered.
This action has a lot of modes that can be combined using logical OR operator. Some mode combinations are prohibited. See
Mode | Value | Description |
SENDMSG_ORDINARY | 0 | Send the message. Without other modes, the forwarding fee for the delivery is paid by the receiver. |
SENDMSG_PAY_FEE_SEPARATELY | 1 | Send the message. The forwarding fee is paid by the sender. |
SENDMSG_IGNORE_ERROR | 2 | If an error occurs during the processing of this action, ignore it. |
SENDMSG_DELETE_IF_EMPTY | 32 | The account gets deleted if, after the action processed, the balance becomes zero |
SENDMSG_REMAINING_MSG_BALANCE | 64 | The message should carry all the remaining value of the inbound message additionally to the value specified in the field |
SENDMSG_ALL_BALANCE | 128 | The message should carry all the remaining balance of the account, instead of the value specified in the value field |
3.11.3 Action ReserveCurrency
\(ReserveCurrency(mode, val)\) action makes a coin reserve on the balance. This action has several modes of operation. Modes can be combined.
Mode | Value | Description |
RESERVE_EXACTLY | 0 | Reserve exactly \(val\) coins |
RESERVE_ALL_BUT | 1 | Reserve \(acc\_balance - val\) coins, where \(acc\_balance\) is a remaining balance of the account |
RESERVE_IGNORE_ERROR | 2 | Skip the action on failure |
RESERVE_PLUS_ORIG | 4 | Reserve \(acc\_balance + val\) coins. It should be used only with RESERVE_REVERSE. |
RESERVE_REVERSE | 8 | Reverse value of \(val\) in the calculation of the reserve, i.e. substitute \(val\) with \(-val\) |
3.11.4 Action SetCode
Currently, we skip this action.
3.11.5 Action ChangeLibrary
Currently, we skip this action.
4 Message Processing Algorithm
In this section, we present a pseudo-code for incoming message processing algorithm.
The algorithm is divided in two mutually exclusive parts:
- ExecuteInternalMessage - internal message execution 4.1
- ExecuteExternalMessage - external message execution 4.2
Both algorithms rely on executing some or all of the phases:
Please note that we consider only ordinary accounts here. The algorithm for executing messages on special accounts is not considered.
- in_msg - incoming message, has type Message
- account - account, has type Account
- params - executor parameters, has type Parameters
- config - blockchain configuration, has type BlockchainConfig
On success, returns Ok(acc1, trans), such that:
- acc1 - updated account, has type Account
- trans - transaction, has type Transaction
On error, returns error of the type ExecutorError
def ExecuteMessage(in_msg, account, params, config): if in_msg.header is ExtOutMsgInfo: return ExecutorError.InvalidExtMessage if in_msg.header.dst == None: return ExecutorError.TrExecutorError() if in_msg.header is ExtInMessageHeader and account.balance == 0: return ExecutorError.NoFundsToImportMsg() acc = account.clone() if in_msg.header is ExtInMsgInfo: return ExecuteExternalMessage(in_msg, acc, params, config) elif in_msg.header is IntMsgInfo: return ExecuteInternalMessage(in_msg, acc, params, config) return ExecutorError.TrExecutorError()
4.1 Internal Message Processing Algorithm
At this point, the message is known to be internal. Execute it with the given account.
- in_msg - incoming message, has type Message
- account - account, has type Account
- params - executor parameters, has type Parameters
- config - blockchain configuration, has type BlockchainConfig
On success, returns Ok(acc1, trans), such that:
- acc1 - updated account, has type Account
- trans - transaction, has type Transaction
On error, returns error of the type TransactionExecutor.TrExecutorError
- account
def ExecuteInternalMessage(in_msg, account, params, config): acc_balance = account.balance msg_balance = in_msg.hdr.value credit_first = not in_msg.hdr.bounce lt = max(account.last_tr_time, max(params.last_tr_lt, + 1)) tr = Transaction(account.account_id, account.status, lt, now(), in_msg) descr = TransactionDescrOrdinary(credit_first: credit_first) # If the bounce flag is not set, execute the Credit Phase # before Storage phase if credit_first: credit_ph_res = credit_phase(account, tr, msg_balance, acc_balance) if credit_ph_res is Ok: descr.credit_ph = credit_ph_res.credit_ph else: return ExecutorError.TrExecutorError() # Execute Storage Phase storage_ph_res = storage_phase(account, acc_balance, tr, is_masterchain, config) descr.storage_ph = storage_ph_res.storage_ph # Why this is needed? if credit_first and (msg_balance > acc_balance): msg_balance = acc_balance original_acc_balance = account.balance - tr.total_fees if not credit_first: credit_ph_res = credit_phase(account, tr, msg_balance, acc_balance) if credit_ph_res is Ok: descr.credit_ph = credit_ph_res.credit_ph else: return ExecutorError.TrExecutorError() # Both storage and credit phases are completed at this point. # We need to update the last_paid field not to loose this # information in case of some further errors showing up. account.last_paid = params.block_unixtime # Parameters to be passed into TVM smci = build_contract_info(acc_balance, account.address, params.block_lt, lt, params.seed_block) # First element is the bottom of the stack stack = Stack([acc_balance, msg_balance, Cell(in_msg), in_msg.body, False]) # Execute Compute Phase compute_ph_res = compute_phase(in_msg, account, acc_balance, msg_balance, params.state_libs, smci, stack, is_masterchain) if not (compute_ph_res is Ok): return ExecutorError.TrExecutorError() descr.compute_ph = compute_ph_res.compute_ph actions = compute_ph_res.actions new_data = compute_ph_res.new_data # Generated outbound messages to be sent into other accounts out_msgs = [] compute_gas_fees = descr.compute_ph.gas_fees tr.total_fee = tr.total_fee + compute_gas_fees if descr.compute_ph.success: act_phase_res = action_phase(tr, account, original_acc_balance, acc_balance, msg_balance, phase.gas_fees, actions, new_data) if act_phase_res is Ok: descr.action = act_phase_res.action_ph out_msgs = act_phase_res.msgs else: return ExecutorError.TrExecutorError() if descr.action != None: if descr.action.status_change == AccStatusChange.Deleted: account = Account() descr.destroyed = True descr.aborted = not descr.action.success else: descr.aborted = True # If the Action Phase failed, and the incoming message allows # bounce answer, execute the Bounce Phase if (descr.aborted == True) and (in_msg.hdr.bounce = True): if descr.compute_ph is Vm: bounce_ph_res = \ bounce_phase(msg_balance, acc_balance, compute_gas_fees, tr, my_addr) if bounce_ph_res is Ok: descr.bounce = bounce_ph_res.bounce_ph if (bounce_ph_res.bounce_msg != None): out_msgs = out_msgs + [bounce_ph_res.bounce_msg] else: return ExecutorError.TrExecutorError() if descr.bounce is Ok: acc_balance = original_acc_balance if account.status == AccountStatus.AccStateUninit and \ acc_balance == 0: account = Account() else: if account.is_none() and acc_balance != 0: account = Account.uninit(is_msg.hdr.dst, 0, last_paid, acc_balance) if account.status() == AccountStatus.AccStateUninit and acc_balance == 0: account = Account() tr.acc_end_status = account.status account.balance = acc_balance params.last_tr_lt = lt upd_lt = add_messages(tr, out_msgs, params.last_tr_lt) account.last_tr_time = upd_lt tr.descr = descr return Ok(tr, account)
The function add_messages assigns the proper logical timestamp for each message from the out_msgs collection, and then include the message into the transaction.
def add_messages(tr, out_msgs, lt): lt_next = lt + len(out_msgs) + 1 lt_next += 1 for msg in out_msgs: = now() = lt tr.add_out_message(msg) lt_next += 1 return Ok(lt_next)
4.2 External Message Processing Algorithm
The execution of external message on the given account.
- in_msg - incoming message, has type Message
- account - account, has type Account
- params - executor parameters, has type Parameters
- config - blockchain configuration, has type BlockchainConfig
On success, returns Ok(acc1, trans), such that:
- acc1 - updated account, has type Account
- trans - transaction, has type Transaction
On error, returns error of the type TransactionExecutor.TrExecutorError
- account
def ExecuteExternalMessage(in_msg, account, params, config): acc_balance = account.balance msg_balance = in_msg.hdr.value is_masterchain = (in_msg.dst_workchain_id == -1) lt = max(account.last_tr_time, max(params.last_tr_lt, + 1)) tr = Transaction(account.account_id, account.status, lt, now(), Cell(in_msg)) descr = TransactionDescrOrdinary(credit_first: True) in_fwd_fee = fwd_fee(Cell(in_msg)) if acc_balance < in_fwd_fee: return ExecutorError.NoFundsToImportMsg tr.total_fee = tr.total_fee + in_fwd_fee # Execute Storage Phase storage_ph_res = storage_phase(account, acc_balance, tr, is_masterchain, config) descr.storage_ph = storage_ph_res.storage_ph if account.balance >= tr.total_fees: original_acc_balance = account.balance - tr.total_fees else: original_acc_balance = account_balance # Credit Phase is skipped for external messages # Storage phase is completed at this point # We need to update the last_paid field not to loose this # information in case of some further errors showing up account.last_paid = params.block_unixtime # Parameters to be passed into TVM smci = build_contract_info(acc_balance, account.address, params.block_lt, lt, params.seed_block) # First element is the bottom of the stack stack = Stack([acc_balance, msg_balance, Cell(in_msg), in_msg.body, False]) # Execute Compute Phase compute_ph_res = compute_phase(in_msg, account, acc_balance, msg_balance, params.state_libs, smci, stack, is_masterchain) if compute_ph_res is Ok: descr.compute_ph = compute_ph_res.compute_ph else: return ExecutorError.TrExecutorError() # Generated outbound messages to be sent into other # accounts out_msgs = [] compute_gas_fees = descr.compute_ph.gas_fees tr.total_fee = tr.total_fee + compute_gas_fees if descr.compute_ph.success: act_phase_res = action_phase(tr, account, original_acc_balance, acc_balance, msg_balance, phase.gas_fees, accounts, compute_ph_res.new_data) if act_phase_res is Ok: descr.action = act_phase_res.action_ph out_msgs = act_phase_res.msgs else: return ExecutorError.TrExecutorError() if descr.action != None: if descr.action.status_change == AccStatusChange.Deleted: account = Account() descr.destroyed = True descr.aborted = not descr.action.success else: descr.aborted = True # The Bounce Phase is skipped for external messages if account.status() == AccountStatus.AccStateUninit and acc_balance == 0: account = Account() tr.acc_end_status = account.status account.balance = acc_balance params.last_tr_lt = lt upd_lt = add_messages(tr, out_msgs, params.last_tr_lt) account.last_tr_time = upd_lt tr.descr = descr return Ok(tr, account)
4.3 Credit Phase
At this phase, coins from the message balance goes to the account balance. This phase is executed only for internal messages. External messages have no coins attached.
- account - account that the message is executed on, Account
- tr - forming transaction, has type Transaction
- msg_balance - message balance, has type Grams
- acc_balance - current balance of the account, has type Grams
The phase always succeeds. It returns the value of type: Ok(TrCreditPhase(collected, msg_balance)), such that:
- collected - the amount of coins withheld for the account debt, if any.
- msg_balance - the amount of coins put on the account balance after the debt fee was conducted.
- account - updates the due_payment field with the remaining debt, if any
- tr - updates the total_fees field
- msg_balance - the original message balance after the debt conducted, if any
- acc_balance - the account balance with message coins
def credit_phase(account, tr, msg_balance, acc_balance): due_payment = account.due_payment collected = min(due_payment, msg_balance) msg_balance = msg_balance - collected due_payment_remaining = due_payment - collected account.due_payment = due_payment_remaining tr.total_fees = tr.total_fees + collected # put message coins on the account balance acc_balance = acc_balance + msg_balance return Ok(TrCreditPhase(collected, msg_balance))
4.4 Storage Phase
This phase withholds the storage fee from the account balance. The fee amount is calculated using the algorithm calc_storage_fee
- account - account that the message is executed on, has type Account
- tr - forming transaction, has type Transaction
- msg_balance - message balance, has type Grams
- acc_balance - current balance of the account, has type Grams
- config - main blockchain parameters, has type BlockchainConfig
This phase always succeeds. The return values may differ: Ok(TrStoragePhase(collected, fee, status_change)), such that:
- collected - the amount of coins withheld for the storage fee
- debt - if the balance was insufficient, the remaining debt of the account
- status_change - should the account be frozen or deleted afterwards
- account - updates due_payment and status fields
- acc_balance - the current balance after the fee got deducted
- tr - updates the total_fee field
def storage_phase(account, tr, msg_balance, acc_balance, config): # It is assumed that the current transaction must have a more # recent timestamp than the latest payment timestamp. # Otherwise, something is terribly wrong. assert ( >= acc.last_paid) # The account does not occupy any space, so do not charge the fee if account == None: return Ok(TrStoragePhase()) fee, account.storage_info = config.calc_storage_fee(account.storage_info, is_masterchain, if account.due_payment > 0: fee = fee + account.due_payment account.due_payment = None if acc_balance >= fee: acc_balance = acc_balance - fee tr.total_fee = tr.total_fee + fee return Ok(TrStoragePhase(fee, None, AccStatusChange.Unchanged)) storage_fees_collected = acc_balance acc_balance = 0 tr.total_fee = tr.total_fee + storage_fees_collected fee = fee - storage_fees_collected need_freeze = fee > config.get_gas_config(is_masterchanin).freeze_due_limit need_delete = \ (account.status == AccountStatus.AccStateUninit or \ account.status == AccountStatus.AccStateFrozen) and \ fee > config.get_gas_config(is_masterchain).delete_due_limit if need_delete: tr.total_fee = 0 account = Account() return Ok(TrStoragePhase(storage_fees_collected, fee, AccStatusChange.Deleted)) elif need_freeze: account.due_payment = fee if account.status == AccountStatus.AccStateActive: account.status = AccountStatus.AccStateFrozen return Ok(TrStoragePhase(storage_fees_collected, fee, AccStatusChange.Frozen)) else: return Ok(TrStoragePhase(storage_fees_collected, fee, AccStatusChange.Unchanged)) else: account.due_payment = fee return Ok(TrStoragePhase(storage_fees_collected, fee, AccStatusChange.Unchanged))
4.5 Compute Phase
Execute the account smart-contract, update the state, gather generated actions to pass on the next phase.
- msg - message, has type Message
- account - account, has type Account
- acc_balance - current account balance, has type Grams
- msg_balance - message balance,has type Grams
- state_libs - code libraries, has type Blob (not relevant; omitted)
- smc_info - extra data for TVM, has type SmartContractInfo
- stack - TVM initial stack values
- is_masterchain - is the account belongs to Masterchain, has type bool
- On success, returns Ok(TrComputePhase, out_actions, new_data),
such that:
- TrComputePhase - actual Compute Phase Descriptor
- out_actions - an ordered list of generated actions
- new_data - updated smart-contract state
- On error, returns Err(ExecutorError) with proper code.
- account - updated account state
- smc_info - mycode field set to point to the code of the smart-contract
- acc_balance - account balance after the gas fee deduction
def uninit_account(account): if is AccountState.AccountActive: = AccountState.AccountUninit def compute_phase(msg, account, acc_balance, msg_balance, state_libs, smc_info, stack, is_masterchain): result_acc = account.clone() vm_phase = TrComputePhaseVm() is_external = msg.header is ExtInMsgInfo if result_acc == None: new_acc = account_from_message(msg, msg_balance) if new_acc != None: result_acc = new_acc result_acc.last_paid = smc_info.unix_time account = result_acc account.uninit_account() if acc_balance == 0: return Ok(TrComputePhase:skipped(ComputeSkipReason.NoGas), None, None) gas_config = config.get_gas_config(is_masterchain) gas = init_gas(acc_balance, msg_balance, is_external, gas_config) # Is it possible? if gas.gas_limit == 0 and gas.gas_credit == 0: return Ok(TrComputePhase.skipped(ComputeSkipReason.NoGas), None, None) libs = [] if msg.state_init != None: libs = state_init.libraries (reason, result_acc) = result_acc.compute_new_state(acc_balance, msg) if reason != None: return Ok(TrComputePhase.skipped(reason), None, None) vm_phase.gas_credit = gas.gas_credit vm_phase.gas_limit = gas.gas_limit if result_acc.code == None: if is_external: return ExecutorError.NoAcceptError() vm_phase.success = False vm_phase.gas_fees = gas_config.calc_gas_fee(0) if acc_balance < vm_phase.gas_fees: return ExecutorError.TrExecutorError() acc_balance -= vm_phase.gas_fees account = result_acc return Ok(TrComputePhase.Vm(vm_phase), None, None) code = result_acc.code data = libs.push(result_acc.libraries) # local libraries libs.push(state_libs) # masterchain libraries smc_info.mycode = code # Here, we initialize abstract TVM virtual machine. # The exact behavior of this device is out of scope. vm = TVM(code) vm.smc_info = smc_info vm.config = config vm.stack = stack = data vm.libraries = libs vm.gas = gas result = vm.execute() vm_phase.success = vm.commited_state.is_committed # vm.gas may have been updated after the execution gas_vm = vm.gas # how much credited gas remains unspent credit = gas_vm.gas_credit used = gas_vm.gas_used vm_phase.gas_used = used if credit != 0: if is_external: # The smart-contract has to explicitly accept the external message, # otherwise it gets rejected. The acceptance of a message manifests # itself in the credit field being equal to 0. return ExecutorError.NoAcceptError() vm_phase.gas_fees = 0 else: gas_fees = gas_config.calc_gas_fee(used) vm_phase.gas_fees = gas_fees vm_phase.mode = 0 vm_phase.vm_steps = vm.steps new_data = vm.commited_state if new_data == None: vm_phase.success = False out_actions = vm.actions if out_actions = None: vm_phase.success = False account = result_acc return Ok(TrComputePhase.Vm(vm_phase), out_actions, new_data)
4.5.1 Compute Phase Success Conditions
We would like to explicitly articulate what it means for the Compute Phase to succeed. To do that, we specify the opposite condition, i.e. when it fails. In all other scenarios the phase is considered successful.
The success status is important, because it decides if the action phase has to be executed afterwards.
For the phase to fail, one of the following conditions must hold:
- The smart-contract data is not committed after the execution 5
- The new smart-contract data is ill-formed
- The generated actions list is ill-formed
The compute phase may be considered successful even if the computation thrown an exception. This is quite unintuitive, yet very important fact. |
4.5.2 Compute Phase Exit Code
The exit code value shows if the computation finished normally or was aborted due to some exception.
In case of the former, the exit code should have values 0 or 1.
In case of the latter, the exception might be of a system or custom type. If the exception is a system one, i.e. not intentionally emitted by the code using a special TVM instruction, the exit code contains one of the standard exit codes.
If the exception is custom, then the exit code should also equal to 0 or 1, but there is an extra exit_arg field that provides the user defined code.
For standard TVM exception codes, see here.
4.5.3 Calculate Gas Fee Algorithm
The algorithm to calculate the amount of coins to be paid for the consumed gas.
- gas_prices - a structure with actual gas prices, has type GasLimitsPrice
- gas_used - amount of gas units consumed by the computation, has type Uint
Output: The amount of coins to be paid for the gas.
Modifies: None
def calc_gas_fee(gas_prices, gas_used): if gas_used <= gas_prices.flat_gas_limit: return gas_prices.flat_gas_limit gas_fee = flat_gas_price + (gas_used - gas_prices.flag_gas_limit) * \ gas_prices.gas_price return gas_fee
4.5.4 Compute New State Algorithm
The algorithm compute_new_state computes the actual account state by given account record, the balance and the message. In particular, this algorithm is used to initialize uninitialized accounts with code and data borrowed from an external message with non-empty state_init field.
- account - account structure, has type Account
- acc_balace - current account balance, has type Uint
- in_msg - message being executed, has type Message
- On success, returns None.
- On failure, returns one of the ComputeSkipReason codes.
- account
def compute_new_state(account, acc_balance, in_msg): if account.status == AccountStatus.AccStateNonexist: if in_msg.state_init == None: return ComputeSkipReason.NoState else: return ComputeSkipReason.BadState elif account.status == AccountStatus.AccStateActive: return None elif account.status == AccountStatus.AccStateUninit: if in_msg.state_init != None: if account.try_activate_by_init_code_hash(in_msg.state_init) != None: return None else: return ComputeSkipReason.BadState else: return ComputeSkipReason.NoState elif account.status == AccountStatus.AccStateFrozen: if acc_balance != 0 and in_msg.state_init != None: if account.try_activate_by_init_code_hash(in_msg.state_init) != None: return None else: return ComputeSkipReason.BadState return ComputeSkipReason.NoState return None
4.5.5 Activate By Init Algorithm
The algorithm try_activate_by_init_code_hash does the initialization or re-initialization of the account, with the given state_init.
- account - account structure to be initialized
- state_init - state_init field from the inbound message
On success, returns Ok
On failure, returns Err
- account - the field storage.state gets updated by the state_init on success
def try_activate_by_init_code_hash(account, state_init): if account == None: return Err new_state = None if == AccountState.AccountUninit: if hash(state_init) == account.addr.address: new_state = AccountState.AccountActive( hash(state_init.code), state_init ) else: return Err elif == \ AccountState.AccountFrozen(init_code_hash, state_init_hash): if state_init_hash == hash(state_init): new_state = AccountState.AccountActive(init_code_hash, state_init) else: return Err else: new_state = = new_state return Ok
4.5.6 Initial Gas Algorithm
The algorithm computes TVM Gas-related initial values. Those values are provided to the virtual machine right before a smart-contract execution. If the execution takes more than allowed gas, it gets stopped.
- acc_balance: current account balance
- msg_balance: message balance
- is_external: is the message external
- gas_info: structure with limits and prices for the workchain
Output Returns the structure Gas() containing 4 values:
- gas_limit: the maximum gas value available for any smart-contract of the workchain
- gas_credit: the amount of gas to be credited for the execution before the smart-contract accepts the message
- gas_max: the maximum allowed gas to be spent on the execution of the current smart-contract
- gas_prices: a structure with gas prices
Modifies: None
def init_gas(acc_balance, msg_balance, is_external, gas_info): gas_max = min(gas_info.gas_limit, gas_info.calc_gas(acc_balance)) gas_credit = 0 if is_external: gas_credit = min(gas_info.gas_credit, gas_max) gas_limit = gas_credit else: gas_limit = min(gas_max, gas_info.calc_gas(msg_balance)) return Gas(gas_limit, gas_credit, gas_max, gas_info.get_real_gas_price())
4.5.7 Account From Message Algorithm
The algorithm creates new account by using data from the internal message. External messages are rejected. Creation of a new account based on an external message is located elsewhere. See compute_new_state algorithm.
- msg: incoming message being processed, has type Message
- msg_remaining_balance: the current amount of coins left on the message balance, has type Uint
- Either returns a new Account object, or None. Both results are considered successful.
Modifies: None
def account_from_message(msg, msg_remaining_balance): if not (msg.header is IntMsgInfo): return None if msg_remaining_balance == 0: return None header = msg.header init = msg.state_init if init != None and init.code != None and hash(init) == header.dst.address: return Account.active_by_init_code_hash(hdr.dst, msg_remaining_balance, 0, init) if header.bounce: return None else: return Account.uninit(hdr.dst, 0, 0, msg_remaining_balance)
4.6 Action Phase
By given ordered action list, the Action phase executes each action item in the list by applying proper action handler.
- tr - transaction being constructed, has type Transaction
- account - account executing the message, has type Account
- original_acc_balance - account balance after storage and credit phase, has type Uint
- acc_balance -the mutable copy of the original_acc_balance, has type Uint
- msg_remaining_balance - message balance without debt value if any, has type Uint
- compute_phase_fees - gas fees from the compute phase, has type Uint
- actions - list of actions generated on the Compute Phase, has type list(OutAction)
- new_data - the smart-contract data after the Compute Phase, some binary blob.
On success, returns Ok(phase, messages) such that:
- phase denotes the Action Phase Descriptor
- messages denotes a list of messages to be sent, has type list(Message)
On error, returns Err(result_code), such that:
- result_code describes a type of an error, see here.
- tr
- account
- acc_balance
- msg_remaining_balance
MAX_ACTIONS = 255 def action_phase(tr, account, original_acc_balance, acc_balance, msg_remaining_balance, compute_phase_fees, actions, new_data): acc_copy = account.clone() acc_remaining_balance = acc_balance phase = TrActionPhase() total_reserved_value = 0 # Serialization issues are put aside, it is too low-level for # our purpose. # Interesting to note, actions overload leads to OK, not Error? if len(actions) > MAX_ACTIONS: phase.result_code = RESULT_CODE_TOO_MANY_ACTIONS return Ok(phase, []) phase.action_list_hash = hash(actions) phase.tot_actions = len(actions) account_deleted = False out_msgs_tmp = [] address = acc_copy.address for action in actions: if action is OutAction.SendMsg: if action.mode & SENDMSG_ALL_BALANCE: out_msgs_tmp.push((action.mode, action.out_msg)) continue result = outmsg_action_handler(phase, action.mode, action.out_msg, acc_remaining_balance, msg_remaining_balance, compute_phase_fees, config, address, total_reserved_value, account_deleted) if result is Ok: phase.msgs_created += 1 out_msgs_tmp.push((action.mode, action.out_msg)) else: return result elif action is OutAction.ReserveCurrency: result = reserve_action_handler(action.mode, action.value, original_acc_balance, acc_remaining_balance) if result is Ok: phase.spec_actions += 1 total_reserved_value += result.reserved_value else: phase.valid = True phase.result_code = result # phase.no_funds = True return Ok(phase, []) else: return Ok(phase, []) # process messages that have SENDMSG_ALL_BALANCE flag set last # skipping all other already processed messages out_msgs = [] for (mode, out_msg) in out_msgs_tmp: if not (mode & SENDMSG_ALL_BALANCE): out_msgs.push(out_msg) continue result = outmsg_action_handler(phase, mode, out_msg, acc_remaining_balance, msg_remaining_balance, compute_phase_fees, config, address, total_reserved_value, account_deleted) if result == Ok: phase.msgs_created += 1 out_msgs.push(out_msg) else: return Ok(phase, []) acc_remaining_balance += total_reserved_value tr.total_fee += phase.total_action_fees if account_deleted: phase.status_change = AccStatusChange.Deleted phase.valid = True phase.success = True acc_balance = acc_remaining_balance account = acc_copy = new_data return Ok(phase, out_msgs)
4.6.1 Action Phase Success Condition
4.6.2 Action Phase Validity Condition
To specify the validity condition, we will define the opposite, i.e. when the action phase is considered invalid.
- The number of actions in the action list is greater than MAX_ACTIONS
- Any SendMsg action processing finished with an error
- The unknown action type was found during the processing
In all other cases, the action phase is considered valid.
4.6.3 SendMsg Action Handler
The SendMsg action handler is responsible for generating messages to be sent. It may fail due to several reasons. In this case, the action phase get stopped, unless the SENDMSG_IGNORE_ERROR flag is set.
- phase - actual Action Phase Descriptor
- mode - flags for sending the message
- msg - message being sent, has type Message
- acc_balance - actual account balance, has type UInt
- msg_balance - the message balance after debt being deducted, has type Uint
- compute_phase_fees - gas fees from Compute Phase
- config - blockchain configuration, has type BlockchainConfig
- my_addr - account address
- reserved_value - the value of coins reserved by the ReserveCoins actions
- account_deleted - the output value, set to True if account needs to be deleted
On success, returns Ok(value), such that:
- value - the amount of coins to be deducted from the account balance
On failure, returns Err(result_code), such that:
- result_code - describes the error, see here
- phase
- mode
- msg
- acc_balance
- msg_balance
- account_deleted
MAX_MSG_BITS = 2**21 # 2 Mb MAX_MSG_CELLS = 2**13 def get_fwd_prices(config, is_masterchain): if is_masterchain: return config.fwd_prices_mc else: return config.fwd_prices_wc def outmsg_action_handler(phase, mode, msg, acc_balance, msg_balance, compute_phase_fees, config, my_addr, reserved_value, account_deleted): invalid_flags = SENDMSG_REMAINING_MSG_BALANCE or SENDMSG_ALL_BALANCE mode_not_valid = mode and (not SENDMSG_VALID_FLAGS) mode_has_invalid = mode and invalid_flags == invalid_flags mode_delete_not_sab = (mode and SENDMSG_DELETE_IF_EMPTY) and \ (not (mode and SENDMSG_ALL_BALANCE)) if mode_not_valid or mode_has_invalid or mode_delete_not_sab: return Err(RESULT_CODE_UNSUPPORTED) skip = not (mode and SENDMSG_IGNORE_ERROR) msg.header.src = my_addr fwd_prices = config.get_fwd_prices(msg.is_masterchain()) compute_wd_fee = fwd_prices.fwd_fee(Cell(msg)) # The message should be either internal message or event. # It is impossible to send external message from the smart-contract. if not ((msg.header is IntMsgInfo) or (msg.header is ExtOutMsgInfo)): return Err(-1) if msg.header is IntMsgInfo: # ===================================== # Internal message # ===================================== msg.header.bounced = False result_value = msg.header.value msg.header.ihr_disabled = True msg.header.ihr_fee = 0 fwd_fee = max(msg.header.fwd_fee, compute_wd_fee) fwd_mine_fee = fwd_prices.mine_fee(fwd_fee) total_fwd_fees = fwd_fee + msg.header.ihr_fee fwd_remain_fee = fwd_fee - fwd_mine_fee if (mode and SENDMSG_ALL_BALANCE): result_value = acc_balance msg.header.value = acc_balance mode = (mode and (not SENDMSG_PAY_FEE_SEPARATELY)) if (mode and SENDMSG_REMAINING_MSG_BALANCE): # Send all the remaining balance of the inbound message result_value += msg_balance if not (mode and SENDMSG_PAY_FEE_SEPARATELY): if result_value < compute_phase_fees: return Err() result_value -= compute_phase_fees msg.header.value = result_value if (mode and SENDMSG_PAY_FEE_SEPARATELY): result_value += total_fwd_fees else: if msg.header.value < total_fwd_fees: return Err() else: msg.header.value -= total_fwd_fees msg.header.fwd_fee = fwd_remain_fee else: # ===================================== # Event # ===================================== fwd_mine_fee = compute_fwd_fee total_fwd_fees = compute_fwd_fee result_value = compute_fwd_fee if acc_balance < result_value: return Err(RESULT_CODE_NOT_ENOUGH_GRAMS) if (mode and SENDMSG_DELETE_IF_EMPTY) and \ (mode and SENDMSG_ALL_BALANCE) and \ (acc_balance + reserved_value == 0): account_deleted = True if total_fwd_fees != 0: phase.total_fwd_fees += total_fed_fees if fwd_mine_fee != 0: phase.total_action_fees += fwd_mine_fee phase.tot_msg_size.append(Cell(msg)) if phase.tot_msg_size.bits() > MAX_MSG_BITS or \ phase.tot_msg_size.cells() > MAX_MSG_CELLS: return Err(RESULT_CODE_INVALID_BALANCE) if mode and (SENDMSG_ALL_BALANCE or SENDMSG_REMAINING_MSG_BALANCE): msg_balance = 0 return Ok(result_value)
4.6.4 ReserveCurrency Action Handler
ReserveCurrency action handler is responsible for managing the reserve coins.
- mode - Reserve flags for the reserve action, has type Uint
- val - amount of coins to be reserved, has type Uint
- orig_acc_balance - account balance after the deduction of the storage fee and the debt, if any, has type Uint
- acc_remaining_balance - amount of coins left on the balance after the reserve, has type Uint
On success, returns Ok(reserved) value, such that:
- reserved denotes the amount of coins being reserved for the account
On failure, returns Err(result_code), such that:
- result_code
- acc_remaining_balance - remaining account balance after the reserve amount being withheld
def reserve_action_handler(mode, val, orig_acc_balance, acc_remaining_balance): if mode and (not RESERVE_VALID_MODES): return Err(RESULT_CODE_UNKNOWN_OR_INVALID_ACTION) reserved = 0 if mode and RESERVE_PLUS_ORIG: if mode and RESERVE_REVERSE: reserved = orig_acc_balance if reserved < val: return Err(RESULT_CODE_UNSUPPORTED) reserved -= val else: reserved = val reserved += orig_acc_balance else: if mode and RESERVE_REVERSE: return Err(RESULT_CODE_UNKNOWN_OR_INVALID_ACTION) reserved = val if mode and RESERVE_IGNORE_ERROR: reserved = min(reserved, acc_remaining_balance) remaining = acc_remaining_balance if remaining < reserved: return Err(RESULT_CODE_NOT_ENOUGH_GRAMS) remaining -= reserved remaining, acc_remaining_balance = acc_remaining_balance, remaining if mode and RESERVE_ALL_BUT: reserved, acc_remaining_balance = acc_remaining_balance, reserved return Ok(reserved)
4.7 Bounce Phase
If error happens on the previous phases, the bounce phase takes place.
- remaining_msg_balance - message balance after all previous phases executed, has type Uint
- acc_balance - remaining account balance after all previous phases executed, has type Uint
- compute_phase_fees - the fees of the compute phase, has type Uint
- msg - message being processed, has type Message
- tr - transaction object, has type Transaction
On success, returns Ok(TrBouncePhase, bounce_message), such that:
- TrBouncePhase is a Bounce Phase Descriptor
- bounce_message is a bounce message to be included into the out_msgs queue
On error, returns ExecutorError.TrExecutorError
- tr - adds the bounce message delivery fee to the total
- Function get_fwd_prices() was defined here.
def bounce_phase(remaining_msg_balance, acc_balance, compute_phase_fees, msg, tr): header = msg.header if not header.bounce: return ExecutorError.TrExecutorError() header2 = header.clone() header2.src, header2.dst = header.dst, header.src storage = StorageUsedShort() fwd_prices = config.get_fwd_prices(msg.is_masterchain) fwd_full_fees = fwd_prices.fwd_fee(Cell()) fwd_mine_fees = fwd_prices.mine_fee(fwd_full_fees) fwd_fees = fwd_full_fees - fwd_mine_fees if remaining_msg_balance < fwd_full_fees + compute_phase_fees: return Ok(TrBouncePhase.no_funds, None) acc_balance -= remaining_msg_balance remaining_msg_balance -= fwd_full_fees remaining_msg_balance -= compute_phase_fees header2.ihr_disabled = True header2.bounce = False header2.bounced = True header2.ihr_fee = 0 header2.fwd_fee = fwd_fees header2.value = remaining_msg_balance bounce_msg = Message.with_header(header2) if config.has_capability(GlobalCapabilities.CapBounceMsgBody): body = msg.body.clone() body.shrink_data(0..256) # leave only 256 bits of the original body bounce_msg.body = body tr.total_fees += fwd_mine_fees return Ok(TrBouncePhase.ok(storage, fwd_mine_fees, fwd_fees), bounce_msg)
5 Functional Properties
In this section, we define the main risks of malfunction in the module, and define several higher-level properties that should hold for the module to mitigate those risks.
5.1 Risks
We define a risk as a hazard event causing a significant loss for the end user. We distinguish the following types of risks.
5.1.1 Financial Risks
The Transaction Executor is the only place in the Node that is responsible for changing the account balance. Hence, any errors in related operations lead to tokens loss for the user. We identify the following financial risks for the module:
- Incorrect storage, delivery or gas fees calculation logic
- Incorrect message value processing logic
- Incorrect SendMsg, ReserveCoins actions processing logic
5.1.2 Behavioral Risks
EverScale blockchain praises the distributed programming paradigm in application development. It means that instead of producing huge smart-contract monoliths, it is encouraged to separate the system into many manageable smart-contracts that communicate with each other by means of message passing.
The message passing scheme used in a system induces some protocol. If message passing breaks in an unexpected way, the whole protocol may stall, potentially leading to global system deadlocks.
It is of utter importance to guarantee that all produced correct
messages will be eventually delivered to the destination
account. The delivery process is complicated and rely on several
node components. Here, we identify risks related to the Transaction Executor
part of it:
- Successful SendMsg action does not lead to creation of a corresponding message
- Generated messages do not occur in the Out Message queue
- Message delivery order gets broken
- A bounce message does not get generated as expected
5.2 Assumptions
All the properties formulated with the following assumptions in mind:
- We consider only ordinary accounts, not system (special) accounts. For the latter, the properties might look different.
5.3 System Properties
System properties are high-level general statements on the system behavior that the Transaction Executor should obey to. A subset of those statements related to mitigating the main risks, identified in the previous section.
5.3.1 Fees
- FEE1. Gas fees for the computation equal the amount calculated using the algorithm 4.5.3.
- FEE2. Storage fees for an account equal the amount calculated using the algorithm
- FEE3. Forwarding fees are calculated according to the algorithm 3.10.5 .
- FEE4. During the message execution process, all type of fees get deducted only once for an account.
5.3.2 Message Processing
- MSG1. The message coins get credited to the account balance before executing a smart-contract logic.
- MSG2. Messages delivery order between the current account \(a_1\) and some other account \(a_2\) does not depend on messages sent from \(a_1\) to some other account \(a_3\), when \(a_2 \neq a_3\).
5.3.3 Credit Phase Processing
- CRD1. If the inbound message is external, the credit phase does not get executed.
- CRD2. If the inbound message is internal, the account's balance get credited with the message value minus the account debt, if any.
5.3.4 Storage Phase Processing
- STR1. If there is not enough funds to cover the storage phase fee on the account's balance, and if the account is in the Active status, then the account gets a debt storing in the due_payment field of the account. If the debt value exceeds the freeze_due_limit value, the account is switched into a frozen status. If the debt exceeds the delete_due_limit value, the account gets deleted.
5.3.5 Compute Phase Processing
- CMP1. If the Compute Phase fails, the execution of a message is aborted. The bounce message is not created in this case.
- CMP2. After the Compute Phase, the account's balance gets decreased exactly on the amount of consumed gas.
5.3.6 Action Phase Processing
- ACT1. Each successful SendMsg action leads to creation of a message.
- ACT2. Successfully created message is added into the out queue exactly once.
- ACT3. If the action phase fails and the incoming message has the bounce flag set, then a single bounce message is generated and put into the out queue.
5.3.7 Bounce Phase Processing
- BNC1. The bounce message is generated only if and only if all of the following conditions hold:
- The incoming message is an internal message
- The incoming message has the bounce flag set
- During the message processing, the action phase was executed, but failed
- After the failed action phase, there is enough funds left on the incoming message balance to cover the bounce message processing 6
- BNC2. A bounce message attach all the original message value minus the storage, gas and delivery fees.
In the original TON, message dichotomy is different: they distinguish 4 types of messages: (inbound + outbound) * (internal + external). We find this dichotomy a bit tedious to use in practice.
In the current protocol implementation, not all validator nodes process external messages. This is subject to change in the future protocol versions.
For example, by sending GraphQL requests to the DApp-server.
Well, at least, until the part of the chain residing the transaction gets cut-off to reduce the disk space consumption.
See the definition of COMMIT TVM instruction.
Note that bounce message delivery fee is conducted from the message balance, not the account balance.